Friday, September 25, 2009

National Alpaca Farm Days This Weekend!

Our new - and still unnamed - cria relaxed in the sun this week while we prepared for our Open House event.

We're as ready as we'll ever be for the open house at Hidden Pond Farm running from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Rene' has plenty of alpaca clothing items to display and sell. We'll also have a fiber display table set up on our actual shearing table and we'll show you what we feed our alpacas and llamas. Of course there will be plenty of alpacas around for you to see and feel their luxurious fiber!

We're expecting rain on Saturday, but hopefully it will hold off during our 3-hour event. Sunday should be a great day with nicer weather, but we'll be happy to see our visitors no matter what the weather forecast!

Have a great weekend!

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