Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mixing of the machos

We're starting to prepare for winter at the farm. One of the most difficult things about winter at our farm is keeping water from freezing and caring for animals in several pastures. Now that Leroy and Lucas are both over one year old, we decided to move them into a pasture with several older boys. This usually causes my motherly instincts to kick in and I worry about the safety of the little boys as they are introduced to the older boys' pasture. If you own alpacas, you'll understand what I'm talking about.

Male alpacas (called "machos") have to establish the pecking order in their pasture whenever a new male is introduced. We've seen over and over how the dominant males will clash and fight and the whole herd will chase the "new guy" around the pen. There is usually a lot of noise, including squealing and grunting, from several of the males involved in the chaos.

Fortunately, there was none of that at all this weekend. Leroy and Lucas have been living in the pasture adjoining the older boys' pasture for several months and they've all grown used to each other through the fence. As a matter of fact, Iggy, Rico and Nuno all stood together at one end of the pasture while Leroy and Lucas explored their new home. Later in the day, it started raining and all five boys laid down together inside their shelter and waited for dinner.

At feeding time, I was somewhat surprised to see that the youngest boys in the group took the first dinner dishes I put down while the oldest two boys waited patiently for me to set down the last two dishes for them to eat. This was the easiest transition we've ever had putting young males in with older males.

Prior to putting the males together on Sunday, we gave them all ivermectin shots. Although the weather is getting cooler, we'll still need to keep up our worming program to protect our alpacas and llamas from meningeal worm and other parasites. We'll complete our ivermectin shots on the rest of the herd next weekend.

In the meantime, we've been bundling up outside. Lots of rain and wind today! I miss the warmth of our short summer...

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