Saturday, December 13, 2008

Only 8 more days until winter officially starts!

So why do we have all this snow already?! Plus it's been really cold this past week. We kept the girls indoors and the barn doors were closed this week to keep everyone warm. This morning I let the girls out and they took off out into the field. You can see Sofie here running around in the snow. After I put the camera away they all came running back towards me and the barn - it would have been a cute shot. I think they purposely wait until they see the camera go back in my pocket!
We'll most likely close everyone up again tonight and if not tonight, then tomorrow sometime. It's supposed to get warm tomorrow - in the 30's but we could get some rain and snow. Then it's back to temperatures in the 'teens' for the rest of the week. Ah, yes, Wisconsin in the winter...

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