Sunday, January 25, 2009

A few resources for alpaca information...

I guess everyone's pretty tired of hearing about how cold it is so I'll try to change the topic this time!

It's that time of year when we have to renew our membership in AOBA (Alpaca Owners and Breeders Association) and Suri Network. If you are interested in alpacas, these are great organizations to check out for more information and to find farms in your area. Alpacas Magazine (published by AOBA) and Purely Suri magazine (published by Suri Network) provide a lot of helpful information and news about alpacas including marketing tips, health topics, alpaca fiber crafts and stories about other alpaca farms. If you haven't read these publications before and want to find out more about the wonderful world of alpacas, visit the links above to find out how to get copies of these magazines.

Another good source of information is the alpacasite on Yahoo Groups. You first need to register for the group before accessing it. This is a truly wonderful resource because there are so many people on the alpacasite 24/7. Whenever you need help with a particular issue on raising your alpacas, you can just check out the archives to see what information is available or you can post your question on the site. Not only are there experienced alpaca breeders on the site, but also veterinarians who own alpacas who can provide helpful advice. It's a really nice feeling knowing you're not alone out there.

We've also recently joined Their website also has a wealth of information including a listing of farms and ranches in your area (Market Street), fiber information (Mill Street), and plenty of advertising opportunities.

Of course there are a lot more resources online than I can ever list here, but these are some of my personal favorites.

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