Sunday, January 18, 2009

One cold week!

Well we brought Misty home last weekend and everyone was excited to see her. We're happy to have her back and she settled in very nicely.

This week was incredibly cold! Temperatures were down to -15 degrees and that wasn't even the windchill! It's supposed to be warmer this weekend...I was expecting temps in the 20's but so far it's been around 8-10 degrees these last two days. It does feel more comfortable though then it was. We had about 3-4 inches of snow yesterday.

The animals have been handling the cold, cold weather really well. We make sure they have water to drink, a little extra straw to lay on, plus we give them a little more feed and/or hay on those really cold days to keep their energy up and keep them warm.

Nothing new to report today. I'm just waiting for warmer weather!

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